Betty Kyalo does not shy away from controversy. The former news anchor loves attention.
She is one of the few woman celebrities that has dealt squarely with online bullies.
Google recently ranked the mother of one as one person Kenyans love googling about.
She made it to the list of the most influential women in Africa.
The thing with popularity is that for you to keep your celebrity status, you need to keep people talking about you.
That is why celebrities love controversy because it sells. That is why to declare non-existent beef to seek the attention of their fans.
Chasing clout is normal for these people because clout pays their bills through endorsement deals.
No one is going to pay you to advertise their merchandise if you are not popular.
The cutthroat competition in the entertainment /showbiz industry is driving the players insane.
Social Media Influence
Social media has made superstars, and it has destroyed careers.
Betty Kyalo has a channel, and she is running a barbershop and a beauty salon in the upmarket Kilimani area.
Besides her own businesses, she endorses various brands. For this reason, she needs to engage her fans all the time.
As usual, you will not please everyone and that is why she was a fan blasted her for a clip she posted on her social media accounts.
She captioned it,” It’s a Flair By Betty Thing”
One of her followers told her off for behaving like a teenager. ” You behave like a teenager, an adolescent” to which Betty replied, ” So What is your problem?”

Betty Kyalo is used to such bullies, but the beautiful lady knows how to deal with them
Tik-Tok made Azziad Nasenya. She had a YouTube channel, but people never gave a hoot about what she was doing.
It was until she released a dance clip winning her waist for Femi’s one hit song featuring Meja. This is when people came to know her and she is now a superstar.
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