DP Ruto’s Son Gets Engaged To A White Man

Dp Ruto’s son, Nick Ruto, sent shock waves yesterday when a video emerged online showing him in a private party.

He was engaged to his white boyfriend in the presence of their few invited friends.

Nobody knows the nature of their friendship but from the video,it is clearly an engagement ceremony.

This is a blow to his father, who has been holier than thou. He brags how he knows God than Raila and all Kenyans.

It is not common in men giving a gold chain to their men friends and then trying it on them as people applaud.

From the video doing rounds online, Nick Ruto remained cool throughout the ceremony but, of course, shy.

The intention of the video was to announce to the world that he is gay or a malicious friend wanted to damage his image.

We are not judging him because sexual orientation is something that is in the brain and psychologically and emotionally; they feel like women.

It is tough for brainwashed parents by the church to accept their sons and daughters to be gay because of social stigma in society.

The law does not recognize gay people here in Kenya and it is actually a crime to practise homosexuality.

Nick is an advocate of the high court and he knows better. But people must fight for their space and force the laws to favor them.

There are so many undocumented men that are gay and women who are lesbians in the country.

They are operating under cover because they fear a crackdown on them by the police or the judgement from the society.

A majority of Kenyans hide behind the church to conceal their habits and way of life, but the truth of the matter, these people do exist.

Our families have those people and we should embrace them other than judging them.

The government and civil societies should advocate and champion for the rights of these people.

That the world is changing, Kenya should not live in the past and avoid the Christianity hypocrisy.


1: Obama’s Amazing Gift To Pregnant Gay Rapper Lil Nas x

2: William Ruto’s Hustler Narrative Trashed After This Happened To His Neighbor

3: Was He Leaking Secrets? Senior Statehouse Officer Resigns, Joins Ruto


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