Nairobi County is experiencing a very cold climate for some time now and everyone is making sure that they dress in very warm clothes to avoid cold-related health conditions and ensure they are comfortable to work properly in their offices and places of work. There is a dress code for every occasion and it is only fair to clad as the weather and the moment dictates no matter how dope you think your outfit looks on you.
Talking of the cold weather and the appropriate dress codes, Kiss 100 radio host and comedian Jalang’o surprised his fans when he posted a photo on Instagram with his co-host Kamene Goro but people were quick to note that he had dressed in a short and a floral shirt compared to the outfit Kamene put on which is odd given how called Nairobi is this morning.
His fans wondered how he survives on shorts this morning given how cold the weather is. His dress code sparked a debate on whether it was appropriate because of the weather and others chose to comment about his show and their love for him.

Celebrities all over the world struggle to live up to the hype and sometimes end up making the wrong fashion, emotional and economic choices. Their fans demand a lot from them and this drives them into living a lie just to please them.
Their lives are there in public for everyone to see but we forget that these celebrities are not super-beings, they are just normal humans who are striving to make the best out of their God-given talents. They feel the pressure, pain, and disappointment just like any other human being.
It is okay to make mistakes because Jalang’o is a human being and can blunder when it comes to dressing because he is not supposed to be the best at everything.