A former member of Prophet Owuor’s repentance and Holiness Ministry has revealed some alarming revelations. According to the man named Joseph Kinoti, Owuor is nothing more than a liar and a hypocrite.
He called the alleged miracles phony since they did not meet any of the scriptural conditions of being quick, complete, and permanent, as Jesus Christ’s were.
David Owuor dropped out of university and focused on church matters. He worked his way through the ranks until he could launch his own ministry. Kinoti turned to Twitter to reveal the methods Owuor used to deceive people into believing he has accomplished miracles.
The bold man uses Sandra as an example of someone who was “healed” by “the powerful prophet of God,” as he refers to himself. Owuor’s pastors approached Sandra near her home. They invited her to join one crusade hoping to be healed.
Owuor’s handlers confiscated her crutches
Prophet Owuor’s agents took her walker and forced her to walk on her own, which was extremely tough for her. Her walking was pathetic, according to Joseph, because she had terribly disfigured legs. Prophet Owuor then informed the audience that she was learning to walk, a word he frequently employs.
Sandra slumped on the stage because of her malformed legs being unable to maintain her weight. Her fall was so severe since there were no bodies or railings to support her properly.
Joseph Kinoti explains how Owuor forcibly takes the ‘healed’ walking aids, wheelchairs, and crutches. He keeps them as a testament to his purported healing skills. They kept all of his wheelchairs and other walking aids in the same location where his radio station is located.

Three weeks later, Sandra had to start a fundraising account in order to gain funds for her surgery. What’s more astonishing is how she did it with Owuor’s agreement, although “he had ordained her healing.”