Interior CS Fred Matiangi, ODM leader Raila Odinga, Kisii County Governor James Ongwae, and a few other leaders from the Kisii side of Nyanza region had a consultative meeting yesterday. In the much talked about meeting, they discussed matters of national interest and the development of the Nyanza region.
The meeting has left Kenyans on Twitter wild with a trending hash tag ‘#MatiangiRegrets’. Many leaders and political enthusiasts from the larger Kisii region have a feeling the super CS has been tough on members of his own tribe.
It is during his tenure that some people have lost their lucrative jobs from government parastatals. Some of the individuals who have lost their jobs due to corruption allegations under his watch include Charles Ogwae from Kenya Bureau of Standards, former Energy and Petroleum Regulation Authority (EPRA) director Pavel Oimeke, and former Kenya Ports Authority CEO Dan Manduku.
Also during the recent Bonchari Constiuency by-election which was hotly contested, Dr. Matiang’i is accused of intimidating the leaders who did not support the Jubilee party candidate Zebedeo John Opore.
Governor James Ongwae, Senator Sam Ongeri, ODM treasurer Timothy Bosire, and Kisii Women representative Janet Ong’era campaigned vigorously for Pavel Oimeke, who was the eventual winner. Oimeke was the ODM candidate. CS Matiang’i was for Zebedeo Opore. This created some sort of animosity the two camps.
During their meeting yesterday, the CS is said to have deeply regretted his actions and requested to be reunited with the County Leaders. He promised never to repeat again and will continue working with the County leaders to make the county better.
Judging from the photos trending online, CS Matiang’i looks very happy and fulfilled. Might he be knowing where the government is going? Have a look at the photos below.

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