Kenyan comedian Terrence creative has been in trouble with his wife Milly Chebby before after he was caught red-handed cheating . The comedian apologized and he was forgiven by his wife.
Terrence known for his creativity and humor is back on the news again after he leaked messages from his DM to show evidence to his fans that the lady by the name Mercy Kioko was actually hitting on him and not the other way round.
Terrence went ahead to post screenshots of their conversation but the lady insisted that they have met on several dates when he comes for a massage in her spur at Kiambu road but of course Terrence played dumb and wondered why the lady was hell-bent to break his marriage.
Terrence is insisting that he has never meant the lady before and he doesn’t know of any massage parlor along Kiambu road but it has been an uphill task to argue his case in the court of public opinion because Kenyans are so far having none of his explanations.
Most Kenyans think that the lady is saying the truth, it is only that Terrence’s wife Chebby might have accidentally stumbled upon a message from mercy to Terrence and now Terrence is playing victim which is a blatant lie.
The guy is guilty as charged and we know this script very well. Milly Chebby has not so far uttered a word about the whole saga but am sure behind the scenes things are not rosy for the big man Terrence. If for real the whole fabrication is meant to conceal a lie in his marriage then this time around he got it wrong.
One questions why Terrence decided to leak his conversation with a lady supposedly hitting on him on social media. This will come with consequences and it will impact his marriage negatively unless it is a ploy to get some clout and get Kenyans to pay attention to him and his content.
Check out some of the screenshots he leaked on social media;